What is Reiki?
"Reiki" is a Japanese term meaning the natural spirit of vital energy. It is a healing practice that works with a person's existing energies to rebalance, reset and heal the body and mind. In the same way that a cast helps reset and heal a broken bone, Reiki assists the body and mind in its healing journey.
How will I feel during a Reiki session?
Most clients drift into a relaxed and meditative state during their Reiki session. You may feel tingling, hot and/or cold, the feeling of floating, heaviness and/or lightness, sleep, visualizations or appears of images in your mind, and vivid thoughts and/or memories. Some clients may also feel increase or decreased breathing, higher awareness of the body, emotional release, stress reduction, and a sense of balance, centeredness and calm. All of these sensations are normal and welcomed as part of the process.
Can Reiki or meditation cure me?
While I cannot guarantee a curing of a physical or mental diagnosis or ailment, I can interact with the client's Life Force Energy and their body's own intelligence (DNA) to affect balance and reactivation. Often times, as a result of the balance and reactivation, clients experience curings.
What if I'm not ok with physical touch?
It is still 100% effective to practice Reiki without physical touch. I will ask you in every session if you are comfortable with physical touch, and if not, we will work around that.
Is Reiki or meditation a religious practice?
While some Reiki practitioners and meditation coaches incorporate religious experiences, I do not make religion a core part of my practice with clients. However, I would be more than happy to discuss any religious tie-ins that you would prefer to be a part of your healing journey.
Where are you located?
I am located in East Nashville, TN. The address will be provided to you at the time of appointment confirmation. However, I also do remote sessions with clients across the country and am available for house calls within a certain mile radius.